Your Personal Life Lessons!

Your Personal Life Lessons!

When you were in your mothers womb you were aware of your vastness, you were aware and excited to come into this world and live a human life.  When you are born suddenly your memory of this knowledge is wiped away and now it’s your job to catch up to this awareness.

In each life time we are presented with a series of lessons that are meant for you to pass through.  In fact all relationships in your life are perfect for the lessons you need to learn.  Any challenging relationships are merely a perfect reflection of the lesson that is trying to get your attention

For instance, my father and I went for years without talking, we had a painful and resentful relationship and just couldn’t make it work.  It wasn’t until I realized the lesson that I wasn’t seeing in this situation.  I was failing to take 100% responsibility for my part in this relationship.  I was putting so much blame on him and felt like the victim.  I realized that being the victim in this situation was never going to lead to my liberation, my enlightenment in this life time.  And I have no desire to re live this un finished lesson again in my next life.

Where is there a lot of pain or hurt in your life?  Perhaps you have a relationship that is un settled, an addiction that you give into, a dream that you ignore with distraction, and so on!  Don’t you think it’s time to take 100% responsibility for your life and take care of these lessons?  Are you willing to be that courageous to take one step, not knowing how, just knowing why?  This is exactly what I’ve done with my dad, and because of this level of responsibility I now have, I know it can only succeed.

You’ve been given this life as a gift to take care of these things here and now, don’t postpone your growth and wait for another life to get out of your ignorance.  Ignorance does not mean your dumb, it simply means you ignore what you know, so let’s stop ignoring what we already know.

Much love,

Siri Shakti