The Real Way To Recycle At Home
Dear Neighbors,
My family and I live here in Orange County. Being a family of 5, we consume a lot of groceries, and use a lot of materials, in our daily lives. For a long time now, we have recycled and re used. But it’s always weighed on me… I felt there was more I could do, to encourage and educate others in recycling properly and re using.
Huge amount of garbage is being thrown away every day, into massive landfills. These landfills are about 200 feet wide and 1/2 a mile long. Much of this garbage could have been recycled and re used. Not to mention, there is a massive stack of garbage, floating in the middle of Pacific Ocean, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It floats between Hawaii and California and is estimated to be 2x the size of Texas. These are just two reasons to recycle a reuse, but two very important reasons.
I’ve put together a simple list of every day items and explain how to recycle or re use those items, in a correct way. Most of us think we know how to recycle, but if you go look at a recycling bin, you will see all sorts of items that are not meant to be there. You will also find items that are recyclables, but they are tossed in the bin, with food and nasty stuff all over it.
I hope this helps you and your family. Remember we are all apart of this world and we each play a part in the care and love of our planet. We can use the excuse that we are too busy, but it only takes a little extra effort and it goes a long way. I love that old saying, “If it’s going to be, then it’s up to me.” It is up to you, so join in and help preserve our beautiful planet, so it’s still a wonderful place for our children’s children.